Friday, July 13, 2007

Multiple Vitamin, Omega-3, Coq10, And A Probiotic Are FourEssential Supplements Everyone Should Take For Better Health

By Darrell MillerVitamins are substances that are found in foods and arenecessary for life. They also allow the body to get througheach day. Although some have specific tasks, most work togetherto provide the body with many health benefits. Vitamins areeither fat or water-soluble. Those that are water soluble leavethe body quickly while those that are fat-soluble are stored inthe liver and fat cells for quite awhile. Some of thesefat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. Mostpeople take vitamins to fill nutritional gaps that occur whenour diets aren�t as good as we�d like to admit. Vitamins shouldnot be taken as a substitute for a healthy diet, as good eatinghabits should always be the first priority. The RecommendedDaily Allowance (RDA) is the amount of essential nutrients thatis considered to be adequate to meet nutritional needs of almostall healthy people, or the amount to prevent a nutrientdeficiency. However, the optimal levels are really a lot higherthan 100% of the RDA. Depending on your age and gender, men and women requiredifferent vitamins at different times in their lives, but thereare vitamins that men and women of all ages need. Vitamin Alowers cholesterol, improves vision, boosts the immune system,and helps skin and hair. Similarly, vitamin C boosts the immunesystem, while it heals wounds and makes collagen. Vitamin Dhelps to build bones and teeth and also prevents colds. VitaminE protects the skin, lowers blood pressure, heals burns, andalso boosts energy. Vitamin K prevents bone loss, and helpswith normal blood clotting. The B vitamins, which includesthiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12, Biotin, and PantothenicAcid, supports nerve cells, provides energy, lowerscholesterol, reduces homocysteine, burns fat, reduces skininflammation, and converts sugar and fat into energy. Lastly,Folic acid can help to prevent spinal bifida, increases milkproduction in nursing mothers, and makes the skin healthier ingeneral. Minerals help form the structure of our bodies. Without them,our bones could not continue to grow, strengthen, and repairthemselves. They help our nerves send and receive signals andallow our muscles to respond properly. They are also veryimportant in normal blood clotting and tissue repair. Anymultivitamin that you get needs to have a full range ofminerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper,manganese, chromium, molybdenum, sodium, potassium, boron, andvanadium. Iron should be in a supplement for women who arestill menstruating, but not for those who aren�t. Therefore,minding age and gender-appropriate multiples is something thatneeds to be considered. When purchasing a multiple vitamin, it is also important tolook for antioxidants from fruit and herbal sources. Lutein andZeaxanthin support healthy vision. Grape seed extractstrengthens veins and arteries, boosts the immune system, andreduces allergic symptoms. Bilberry prevents hardening ofarteries and cataracts, and supports retina. Black tea lowerscancer risk and chances of stroke. Cherry fruit strengthenscollagen, reduces inflammation, supports tendons and muscles,and also reduces the risk of heart attacks. Although most people are trying to cut fats from their diets,fats aren�t necessarily a bad thing. Rather, it�s a matter ofproportion. Both omega-3 and omega-6 fats need to be consumedto stay healthy. Omega-6 fats can be found in many everydaysources, including doughnuts, vegetable oils, and margarine. Wetend to have an abundance of omega-6 fatty acids because foodsmade or prepared with these ingredients are very popular.Omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand, are not found in mostdiets, but show the most benefits. Some of these benefitsinclude: reducing high blood pressure, lowering bad cholesteroland raising good cholesterol, reducing heart attack risk,reducing risk of stroke, reducing osteoarthritis symptoms,increasing mental focus, helping improve eczema, reducingasthma symptoms, and reducing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.Cancer survival, bipolar disorder, and depression all showpromise with treatment from omega-3. Adding more fish to yourdiet is a good idea for everyone, but not every fish has thehigh levels of EPA and DHA that are beneficial in omega-3. Afish oil supplement that is mercury-free and naturally-stablecan help provide the EPA and DHA that is necessary for people.Make sure that the supplement you choose isn�t artificiallymodified to boost DHA and EPA concentration. Be certain thatnatural antioxidants such as vitamin E are added to preventrancidity and make the supplement taste better. Probiotics, also called �beneficial bacteria�, are becomingmore and more popular. Acidophilus is one of the best and mostresearched probiotic bacteria out there right now. It may seemstrange, but not all bacteria are bad. Actually, probioticbacteria are essential for the body so that it can digest foodproperly and absorb minerals. An imbalance of intestinalbacteria (microflora) is often associated with many diseasesfrom yeast infections to colon cancer. By taking a nutritionalsupplement or eating foods containing probiotic bacteria, youcan help support and modify the composition of the microflorain your large intestine. These microflora assist digestion,protect against disease-causing bacteria, and stimulate theimmune system. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterialongum have a central role in the intestinal flora and providemany health benefits. Even though it is associated with dairy,Bifidobacteria longum assists in the breakdown of lactose andrelieves some of the symptoms of lactose intolerance such asflatulence and bloating. When choosing a probiotic supplement,look for one that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus andBifidobacteria longum. The supplement should be in a�super-capsule,� as regular capsules won�t protect the bacteriaall the way through the stomach. Similar to foods, look for afreshness date that guarantees the amount of probiotic bacteriaat the time of purchase, rather than just at the time ofmanufacture. CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone, is a nutrient that can befound in all living cells of the body. Supplementing CoQ10 can:reduce the risk of heart attack, slow effects of parkinson�sdisease, replenish CoQ10 depletion from statin drug use,decrease high blood pressure, reduce the frequency of migraineheadaches, and reduce tumors. CoQ10 also has great antioxidantabilities, as it scoops up free-radicals in the body. There aresome major distinctions among CoQ10 products. One being that theproduct must be scientifically shown to absorb through thedigestive tract and move into the mitochondria. Usuallychewable and softgel forms are best because they cross theblood/brain barrier. The second major distinction is that theCoQ10 should be in a natural form, rather than a syntheticform. The third distinction is that the supplement should beproven to work. A commercially-available product should be thesame formula studied by respected organizations, withdocumented research. By building up a healthy foundation with adaily multiple, stable fish oil, daily probiotic, and absorbableCoQ10, we can ensure ourselves the basic nutrients needed eachday to live a healthier life. All the above listed supplementscan be found at your local or internet health food store.About the Author: Please visit VitaNet Health Foods at VitaNet sells high quality multiples,coq10, probiotics, and omega-3 fish oil to boost health andwellness. Please link to this site when using this article.Source:

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